Horse Feed Bath

Horse Feed, Bath

At Tapsons Animal Health Ltd we care about the well-being of your horses in Bath. Whether you keep a trail and pleasure horse, or a working horse, the care and health of each individual horse matters to us. That is why we stock a wide range of products including horse feed at our premises in Bath. We offer advise based on our 30 years’ experience and our training in animal health care and medicines. This means that you can trust us to offer you, not only the best priced products of horse feed, but the best nutritional value for each horse you own.
In the same way that no humans diet can be the exactly the same, a horse must be fed according to its personal needs. This can be based on breed, activity, age, health needs and the reason that you keep the horse (i.e. For work or pleasure.).
A horse’s food should be mostly made up of roughage. This of course mimics that natural diet that horses would have access to in the wild. A horse, for the most part, will spend the day grazing and feed on the grass on its pasture. However, thought must be given to the quality and type of grass your horse has access to. Tapsons Animal Health Ltd in Bath, can give you advise and support in choosing what grass seed and grass type you should have, in order to get the most out of it in terms of nutrition for your horse.
A human motto is that ‘you are what you eat’, and in the same way it is common sense that if your horse feed contains the best nutrition and health benefits for your horse, then you are taking good care of your horse, and providing them with a strong foundation for excellent health, stamina and longevity. Horses often aren’t just something you keep, but can become extremely beloved to the family and farm that owns and cares for them. They are also very costly, so doing your best, making sure you keep vets bills down, by maintaining a good healthy diet, the better for you and ultimately the horse. Learn how to take care of your horse’s diet and you can take care of a horse. There are many other rules and things to learn when making sure you do the best for your horse, but we believe good care starts here.
In terms of grains, such as oats and barley, Tapsons Animal Health Ltd in bath, stock a wide range of mixes and horse feed to satistfy the needs of your horse you keep in Bath. Our ranges include: Dengie, Chaffs, Sugar beet, Speedibeet, Dobson & Horrell, Spillers, and our own Tapsons coarse Mix and nuts, and many others. We also provide a range of fly sprays to support the health and defences of your horse.
As a delivery service that provides for Bath, we provide excellent, reliable customer service. For more information on what we can do for you and your horse, contact us today.